

What to Do 


Better Grip by pressing the toe 

Wisdom from old books:  

Cross-Country Skiing, by Ned Gillette and John Dostal (Mountaineers, Second Edition 1983), page 35:  

"Get an earlier and more powerful kick by starting to put pressure on your skis with your toes; imagine that your boots are cleated and that you're trying to get those cleats dug right into the snow."

"toe-press versus ball-press" thread, April 2002 on rec.skiing.nordic

[ archive copy of thread

Parham,  April 2002 on rec.skiing.nordic: 

[ archive copy of message

"dig in with the ball of the foot" 

Tomas Bystrom, February 2002 on rec.skiing.nordic: 

[ archive copy of message

"you're kicking with the toe, not the heel"

Conflict:  Press the Toe versus Drive the Heel Down?

For ideas and discussion of this question, see these pages 

Smooth Striding "secret" 

Discussion of Smooth Striding "secret" 

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